

Articles, Interviews, TV appearances & more

Interview on ‘The Project’: 2024

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Op-ed for ‘The Age’: 2024

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Feature in ‘The Age’: 2024

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Interview on The Morning Show, Network Seven: March 2024

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Interview for Authority Magazine: February 2024

Stars Making a Social Impact: Why & How Nick Bracks Is Helping To Change Our World I would say try as many things as you can while you are young.…
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Interview with Authority Magazine, September 2023

Mental Health Champions: Why & How Nick Bracks Of Move Your Mind Is Helping To Champion Mental Wellness An Interview With Michelle Tennant Nicholson Michelle Tennant Nicholso Follow Published in…
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Interview on Studio 10, September 2023

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Interview, The Morning Show, Channel 7, 2023

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Interview on Studio 10, May 2023

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